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College of Pharmacy

The Purdue University College of Pharmacy is training students to become the pharmacy leaders of tomorrow. For 140 years we've equipped our students to meet global health challenges through innovative thinking and practice. Ranked a top 10 program by U.S. News & World Report, our students gain firsthand experience in cutting-edge research programs and have opportunities to join professional organizations, network with professionals, and engage in life-changing internships. Don't wait, come and see what living the Purdue Pharm Life is all about.
College of Pharmacy Website
Top 10 research producing pharmacy program

What are Purdue Pharmacy graduates doing?

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83.33% are employed, 8.33% are continuing with their education, 5.13% are seeking employment, 1.28% are seeking education, and 1.92% are engaged in other activities.

Average Salary: $74,764

CCO Data. See More

How a Passion for Research Drives Sam King

Sam King knew he wanted to study pharmacy—that was a given. What he didn’t know was the way the Purdue University College of Pharmacy would ignite his passion for research and shape his future plans.

Instead of taking the PharmD route, Sam decided to pursue a pharmaceutical sciences degree – a degree that prepares students to work in research environments within the areas of drug discovery, development, and commercialization.

Sam has taken advantage of a plethora of opportunities to advance his skills through research-based summer internships across the country and has been recognized by the National Institutes of Health for his work—a rare feat for an undergraduate. In this episode, he highlights his experiences and the ways Purdue Pharmacy is helping him prepare for his next giant leap.

Tune in to hear how Sam King is Living the Pharm Life.

Sam King

Pharmacy Majors

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students performing lab work
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