College of Liberal Arts
The inspiration-packed College of Liberal Arts buzzes with opportunities. Unparalleled classroom experience. Exciting research. 230 study abroad programs. Some of the best practical experience going — with internships in business, not-for-profit organizations and government agencies.
Liberal arts students are thinkers, doers and communicators. Led by faculty members who lead research grounded in theory but focused on impact. So no surprise, Liberal Arts grads have a competitive edge when it comes to bright, original thinking.
College of Liberal Arts Website
What are Purdue Liberal Arts graduates doing?
66.26% are employed, 16.41% are continuing with their education, 7.29% are seeking employment, 1.82% are seeking education, and 8.21% are engaged in other activities.
Average Salary: $43,473
CCO Data. See More
Accelerate and Enhance your degree
The College of Liberal Arts offers unique programs to help you get the most out of your college career. Take a look at the opportunities below and learn more!
“For Liberal Arts’ students who want to come get a first-rate liberal arts education and do it on a faster track.” Purdue President Mitch Daniels.
Degree in 3 majors allow students to enter the work force or graduate school a year earlier than traditional plans of study while also providing a cost-effective way to complete an undergraduate degree. Learn more here.
At Purdue, Degree+ offers a streamlined path for students to add a degree from the College of Liberal Arts to a degree from another academic area. Learn more here.
Liberal Arts Majors
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- Accounting
- Actuarial Science
- Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering
- Aeronautical Engineering Technology
- African American Studies
- Agribusiness (multiple concentrations)
- Agricultural Communication
- Agricultural Economics (multiple concentrations)
- Agricultural Education
- Agricultural Engineering (College of Agriculture)
- Agricultural Engineering (College of Engineering)
- Agricultural Systems Management
- Agronomy
- American Studies
- Animal Sciences (multiple concentrations)
- Animation and Visual Effects
- Anthropology, BA
- Anthropology, BS
- Applied Meteorology and Climatology
- Aquatic Sciences
- Art History
- Artificial Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence (College of Science)
- Asian Studies
- Atmospheric Science/Meteorology
- Audio Engineering Technology
- Automation and Systems Integration Engineering Technology
- Aviation Management
- Biochemistry
- Biochemistry (Chemistry)
- Biological Engineering (College of Agriculture)
- Biological Engineering (College of Engineering)
- Biology
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biomedical Health Sciences
- Brain and Behavioral Sciences
- Building Information Modeling
- Business Analytics and Information Management
- Cell, Molecular, and Developmental Biology
- Chemical Biology and Biochemistry
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Chemistry - American Chemical Society
- Chinese Studies
- Civil Engineering
- Classical Studies
- Communication (multiple concentrations)
- Comparative Literature
- Computer and Information Technology
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Engineering Technology
- Computer Infrastructure & Network Engineering Technology
- Computer Science
- Computing Systems Analysis and Design
- Construction Engineering and Management
- Construction Management Technology
- Creative Writing
- Crop Science
- Cybersecurity
- Data Analytics, Technologies and Applications
- Data Science
- Data Visualization
- Design and Construction Integration
- Design Studies
- Developmental and Family Science
- Digital Agronomy
- Digital Criminology
- Digital Enterprise Systems
- Early Childhood Education and Exceptional Needs
- Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Sciences
- Economics (College of Liberal Arts)
- Economics (Daniels School of Business)
- Electrical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering Technology
- Elementary Education
- Energy Engineering Technology
- Engineering (First Year)
- Engineering Technology Education
- English
- English Education
- Environmental and Ecological Engineering
- Environmental & Natural Resources Engineering (College of Agriculture)
- Environmental & Natural Resources Engineering (College of Engineering)
- Environmental Geosciences
- Exploratory Studies (for undecided students)
- Family and Consumer Sciences Education
- Farm Management
- Fermentation Science
- Film and Video
- Finance
- Financial Counseling and Planning
- Flight (Professional Flight Technology)
- Food Science
- Forestry
- French
- Game Development and Design
- General Education: Curriculum and Instruction (non-licensure)
- General Education: Educational Studies (non-licensure)
- Genetics
- Geology and Geophysics
- German
- Global Studies
- Health and Disease
- History
- Horticulture (multiple concentrations)
- Hospitality and Tourism Management
- Human Resource Development
- Human Services
- Inclusion: Dual License in Special Education (K-6) & Elementary Education
- Industrial Design
- Industrial Engineering
- Industrial Engineering Technology
- Insect Biology
- Integrated Business and Engineering
- Integrated Studio Arts, BFA (Portfolio Required)
- Interdisciplinary Performance
- Interdisciplinary Engineering Studies
- Interior Architecture
- Interior Design - Professional Program
- Italian Studies
- Japanese
- Jewish Studies
- Kinesiology
- Landscape Architecture (Pre)
- Law and Society (Criminology)
- Linguistics
- Management (General)
- Marketing
- Materials Engineering
- Mathematics
- Mathematics, Applied
- Mathematics - Business
- Mathematics Education
- Mathematics - Statistics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering Technology
- Mechatronics Engineering Technology
- Medical Laboratory Sciences
- Microbiology
- Motorsports Engineering
- Multidisciplinary Engineering
- Music
- Natural Resources and Environmental Science (multiple concentrations)
- Neurobiology and Physiology
- Nuclear Engineering
- Nursing
- Nutrition and Dietetics
- Nutrition and Dietetics/Nutrition, Fitness, and Health (double major)
- Nutrition, Fitness, and Health
- Nutrition Science
- Occupational and Environmental Health Sciences
- Organizational Leadership
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Physics, Applied
- Planetary Sciences
- Plant Genetics, Breeding, and Biotechnology
- Plant Science
- Plant Studies - Exploratory (Pre)
- Political Science
- Pre-dentistry
- Pre-law
- Pre-medicine
- Pre-occupational Therapy
- Pre-physical Therapy
- Pre-physician Assistant
- Pre-veterinary Medicine
- Professional Writing
- Psychological Sciences
- Public Health
- Purdue Polytechnic Institute Statewide Programs
- Quantitative Business Economics (QBE)
- Radiological Health Sciences
- Religious Studies
- Retail Management
- Robotics Engineering Technology
- Russian
- Sales and Marketing
- Science Education (Biology, Chemistry, Earth/Space, Physics)
- Selling and Sales Management
- Smart Manufacturing Industrial Informatics
- Social Studies Education
- Sociology
- Soil and Water Sciences
- Sound for the Performing Arts (Portfolio Required)
- Spanish
- Special Education: Mild & Intense Intervention 5-12
- Special Education: Mild & Intense Intervention K-6
- Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
- Statistics, Applied
- Statistics with Mathematics Option
- Studio Arts and Technology
- Supply Chain and Operations Management
- Supply Chain & Sales Engineering Technology
- Sustainable Food and Farming Systems
- Theatre
- Themed Entertainment Design
- Turf Management and Science
- Unmanned Aerial Systems
- UX Design
- Veterinary Nursing
- Visual Arts Design Education
- Visual Arts Education
- Visual Communication Design (Graphic Design)
- Web Programming and Design
- Wildlife
- Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies